Chemistry 111           Summer 2000

Lecturer: Tom Whelan 
Office: Goessmann 149E    
Phone: 545-6092
Class Times:  MTuWThF: 9:30-11:00 
Where:  Gsmn 64
Looking for the Chem 112 Summer School Web Page?
  • Click on Summer 112 in the Frame on the left.

Viewing the Web Site Information:

  1. Some of the files are in 'pdf' format which means that you will need the 'Adobe Reader'.  This is a free download and can be obtained from:
  2. The videos use real video and you will need to install a 'Real Player'.  This is freely available from:
    • Real:  follow the 'player' download link
  3. Finally, the main 'Genchem' web site used 'Macromedia Flash'.  This is a very small download and can be obtained from.
  4. That's it for downloads.  Enjoy your course web site.
Whelan Old Exams