OWL Electronic Homework:      
Is an electronic homework and tutoring system developed over the last 3 years as a joint project between the Chemistry and Computer Science Departments at the University of Massachusetts.  Within OWL there is an extensive set of questions covering General Chemistry course material.  You are rostered into the OWL system when you register for General Chemistry. 
  • Username = nine digit student number, NO hyphens. 

  • Password = last name.  This is NOT case sensitive.  
    If you have 2 words in your last name, such as 'van Allen', enter 'vanallen', no spaces or hyphens. 

  • Records of your progress are kept in the OWL database.  Your score is recorded automatically by the system. 

  • There will be two kinds of OWL assignments. Standard electronic homework assignments are drawn from a data base of questions, so that an electronic homework assignment will vary each time you attempt it. Discovery assignments have a fixed set of questions. Electronic homework may be done at any time and may be repeated without penalty, but assignments must be passed by the due date in order to receive credit. Due dates will be announced during the semester. Assignments may be done from any location with access to the Web or they may be done in the Chemistry Resource Center.  However, Discovery assignments will not run on a Macintosh computer, so plan ahead. It is OK to use your text or to ask for help when you are doing an OWL assignment.

    OWL can be accessed from any computer connected to the internet, on-campus or off, at the web site http://owl.chem.umass.edu/.  OWL only works with internet browsers Internet Explorer 4 or above, or Netscape 3 or above.  If you do not have a personal computer, all of the public computer labs on campus can be used to access OWL  as can the Chemistry Resource Center.  If you have trouble logging in to the system, click on the "Login Trouble" button and fill out the form. If you have trouble configuring your internet browser, go to the OIT Help desk in LGRC A109 (http://www.oit.umass.edu/hds/hd/).