Chemistry 111           Summer 2006

Instructor:   Required Materials:
Tom Whelan
Gsmn 53, 545-6092
Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, 6th Edition.

Kotz, Treichel & Weaver.

  1. Class Meets:  MTuWThF 9:30-11:00
  2. Class Location:  Gsmn 51
  3. Searchable Campus Map
  4. Chemistry Resource Center
  1. Safety Glasses:
    American Optical Co. No. 484A.
  2. Scientific Calculator 

Maura Mahar

Abdalin Asinas
Syllabus Summary:
  1. Grading
    3 Exams 70% Highest Exam Score 26%; Lowest 20%; Other 24%
    Quizzes 10% No make-up Quizzes given .
    Laboratory 20%
  2. Exam Policies:
    You must have a passing exam average  in order to pass the course. 
  3. Lab Policies:
    Lab Meets Tuesday/Thursday, 1:30-4:30, Gsmn 57.
    You must complete all of the laboratory experiments to pass the course.
  4. Academic Honesty:
    You will abide by the academic honesty policy of the campus.  I expect you to do your own work on exams and labs.  You mush flush all calculator memories of any chemistry information before coming to an exam.  You MAY NOT bring any additional materials to exams other than a pencil, calculator, and your brain.  I take honesty very seriously.  
  5. Grade Cutoff's:
    >90's  A.                <55 F
    The other grade cutoff's will be determined at the end of the semester.  However if you want to be assured of a B you should be in the 80's and 70's for a C.
  6. Exam Dates:
    Exam III Thursday July 13 9:30-11:00am Gsmn 51
  7. Old Exams
    2006 Exam I Key I Exam II Key II Exam III Key III
    2005 Exam I Key I Exam II Key II Exam III Key III
    2004 Exam I Key I Exam II Key II Exam III Key III
Date Daily Schedule ... Updated Sunday, November 09 :- 01:27 PM
Jul 12
Exam III ... Gsmn 51 ... 9:30 AM
Jul 12
Lecture 24
Lecture Material:
Review and preparation for Exam III
1. Exam III: ~3 Questions from the following Lab Owls:- 
     LO-3.3, LO-4.2, LO-4.5, LO-5.1, LO-5.5
2. Exam III: Thursday, July 13, 9:30-11:00AM, Gsmn 51
Jul 11
Lecture 23
Lecture Material:
6.2 Determining the Heat Transfer in a Chemical Reaction
  » Calorimetry ... Phase Change
12.6 The Kinetic and Molecular Theory of Gases
4.4 Stoichiometry Review
  » Limiting Reagents.
OWL Ch 6-3a Tutor: Phase Changes 07-12-06
Ch 6b End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 07-12-06
Ch 12-5a Simulation: Kinetic and Molecular Theory 07-12-06
Jul 10
Lecture 22
Lecture Material:
6.6 Determining the Heat Transfer in a Chemical Reaction
  » Calorimetry ... No Phase Change
6.7 Hess's Law
6.8 Hess's Law and Heats of Formation
OWL Ch 6-5a Tutor: Calorimetry 07-11-06
Ch 6a End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 07-11-06
Ch 6-6b Tutor: Calculating Enthalpy Change 07-11-06
Ch 6c End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 07-11-06
Jul 07
Lecture 21
Lecture Material:
6.2 First Law of Thermodynamics
  » Heat Transfer ... Heat Capacity
6.5 Enthalpy ... A Special Type of Heat Transfer
6.6 Determining the Heat Transfer in a Chemical Reaction
  » Calorimetry ... No Phase Change
OWL Ch 6-2a Tutor: Specific Heat Capacity 07-10-06
Ch 6-2b Tutor: Heat Equilibrium 07-10-06
Ch 6-3b Tutor: Enthalpy Changes 07-10-06
Jul 06
Lecture 20
Lecture Material:
5.4 Acid/Base Reactions
5.5 Gas Forming Reactions
5.6 Classifying Reactions in Aqueous Solution
6.1 Forms of Energy
OWL Ch 5-5a Simulation: Acids 07-07-06
Ch 5-7a Tutor: Recognizing Reactions 07-07-06
Ch 5 End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 07-07-06
Ch 6-1a Tutor: Energy Unit Conversions 07-07-06
Ch 6-1b Simulation: Temperature and Heat Transfer 07-07-06
Jul 05
Lecture 1
Lecture Material:
5.1 Properties of Aqueous Solutions
  » Predicting Solubility
  » Solubility Guidelines
5.2 Precipitation Reactions
  » Net Ionic Equations
OWL Ch 5-1c Tutor: Solubility Strong Electrolytes 07-06-06
Ch 5-1b Simulation: Solubility 07-06-06
Ch 5-3b Tutor: Precipitation Reactions 07-06-06
Ch 5-2a Tutor: Net Ionic Equations 07-06-06
Jul 04
No Class
Jul 03
Jun 30
Lecture 18
Lecture Material:
10.1 Valence Bond Theory v Molecular Orbital Theory
10.2 Valence Bond Theory
  » Bond Formation
  » Hybridization ... Sigma Bonds
  » Hybridization ... Multiple Bonds ... Ethene
  » Pi Molecular Orbitals In Ethene
  » Seeing is believing!!
OWL Ch 10-1 Tutor: Sigma Bonding 07-05-06
Ch 10-2a Tutor: Determining Hybrid Orbitals 07-05-06
Ch 10-2e Tutor: Hybridization 1 07-05-06
Ch 10-2f Tutor: Hybridization 2 07-05-06
Ch 10-3a Tutor: Pi Bonding 07-05-06
Ch 10 End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 07-05-06
Jun 29
Exam II ... Gsmn 51 ... 9:30 AM
Jun 28
Lecture 17
Lecture Material:
Review and preparation for Exam II
Jun 27
Lecture 16
Lecture Material:
9.9 Molecular Polarity
  » Intermolecular Forces ... Class Handout ... Hydrogen Bonds
  » Boiling Points .... Solubility
  » DNA ... Detergents ... Membranes
Jun 26
Lecture 15
Lecture Material:
9.7 Molecular Geometry
  » Some Organic Molecules
  » Geometry Worksheet -- Thus Far
9.9 Molecular Polarity
  » Electronegativity Values
  » Intermolecular Forces
OWL Ch 9-8a Exercise: Determining Polarity 06-27-06
Ch 9d End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-27-06
Jun 23
Lecture 14
Lecture Material:
9.7 Molecular Geometry 
  » Molecular Geometry Worksheet
  » Summary ... No Lone Pairs
  » Summary ... Lone Pairs
OWL Ch 9-4a Tutor: Ideal Shapes 06-26-06
Ch 9-4c Exercise: Determining Molecular Shapes 06-26-06
Ch 9-4b1 Tutor: Determining Molecular Shapes 06-26-06
Ch 9-4b2 Tutor: Determining Molecular Shapes 06-26-06
Ch 9c End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-26-06
Jun 22
Lecture 13
Lecture Material:
9.8 Evaluating Lewis Dot Structures
  » Formal Charge
  » Formal Charge Vs Oxidation Numbers
9.7 Molecular Geometry 
  » Molecular Geometry Worksheet
OWL Ch 9-6a Tutor: Formal Charge 06-23-06
Ch 9b End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-23-06
Jun 21
Lecture 12
Lecture Material:
9.4-9.6 Lewis Dot Structures
  » Lewis Dot Worksheet
  » Choices in Multiple Bond Formation ... Resonance
  » Beyond the Octet ... What to do with 'Extra' Electrons
  » Some Exceptions and Some Organic Molecules
9.10 Bond Properties
  » Bond Order ... Bond Length
  » Bond Length and Resonance
  » Bond Energies
OWL Ch 9-2a Tutor: Resonance Structures 06-22-06
Ch 9-3a Tutor: Electron Deficient Compounds 06-22-06
Ch 9a End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-22-06
Jun 20
Lecture 11
Lecture Material:
9.4-9.6 Lewis Dot Structures
  » Bond Formation Pro's and Con's
  » Lewis Dot Worksheet
  » Bond Pairs Vs Lone Pairs
  » Dealing With Charges
  » Shortage of Electrons ... Multiple Bonds
OWL Ch 9-1b Tutor: Interpreting Lewis Structures 06-21-06
Ch 9-1c Exercise: Drawing Lewis Structures 06-21-06
Ch 9-1b Tutor: Drawing Lewis Structures 06-21-06
Jun 19
Lecture 10
Lecture Material:
8.4 Atomic Electronic Configurations
  » Completed Electronic Configurations Worksheet 
  » More Electronic Configurations ... Transition Metals
8.5 Atomic Electronic Configurations ... Ions
8.6 Periodic Trends
  » Orbital Energy            » Atomic Size 
  » Ionization Energy        » Electron Affinity 
  » Metallic Character

Na and Water

K and Water

Na and Water!!

OWL Ch 8-6b Simulation: Configurations of Ions 06-20-06
Ch 8-6a Tutor: Electron Configurations of Ions 06-20-06
Ch 8a End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-20-06
Ch 8-8a Simulation: Orbital Energies 06-20-06
Ch 8-8b Simulation: Atomic Size 06-20-06
Ch 8-9a Simulation: Ionization Energy 06-20-06
Ch 8-11 Simulation: Electron Affinity 06-20-06
Ch 8-12a Simulation: Ion Charge 06-20-06
Ch 8-12b Simulation: Ion Size 06-20-06
Ch 8b End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-20-06
Jun 16
Lecture Material:
8.4 Atomic Electronic Configurations
  » Electronic Configurations Worksheet
  » Orbital Energies ... Why Are the Noble Gases 'Inert'
  » Pauli Exclusion Principle  
  » Electronic Configuration; Spectroscopic, Noble Gas
  » Electronic Configuration; Orbital Box
  » Magnetism ... Paramagnetic V Diamagnetic
  » Valence Electrons ... Group Number ... Preferred Charge
OWL Ch 8-4a Simulation: Electron Configurations  06-19-06
Ch 8-4b Tutor: Electron Configurations 1 06-19-06
Ch 8-5a Tutor: Electron Configurations 2 06-19-06
Ch 8-7a Tutor: Configurations and Magnetism 06-19-06
Jun 15
Exam I ... Gsmn 51 ... 9:30 AM
Jun 14
Lecture 8
Lecture Material:
Review and preparation for Exam I
Jun 13
Lecture 7
Lecture Material:
7.5 Modern Quantum Theory
  » Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
  » Edwin Schrodinger
7.6 The Shapes of Atomic Orbitals 
  » Solutions of Interest to the Schrodinger Equation
  » The Orbitron!
  » Orbital Shapes  
  » Orbital Shapes with Increasing n
OWL Ch 7-8a Exercise: Shapes of Atomic Orbitals 06-14-06
Ch 7b End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-14-06
Jun 12
Lecture 6
Lecture Material:
7.1 Introduction to Electromagnetic Radiation
  » Wave Properties  » Electromagnetic Spectrum
  » Energy/Wavelength/Frequency
Standing Waves (Fixed Start and End)
  » Standing Wave Animation 
Prof. David Phillips
"A Little Light Relief" 
7.4 The Wave Properties of the Electron
OWL Ch 7-1a Simulation: The Electromagnetic Spectrum 06-13-06
Ch 7-3a Simulation: Planck's Constant 06-13-06
Ch 7-2a Tutor: Determining Frequency  06-13-06
Ch 7-2b Tutor: Determining Wavelength  06-13-06
Ch 7-3b Tutor: Energy of Light  06-13-06
Ch 7a End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-13-06
Jun 9
Lecture 5
Lecture Material:
3.6 Describing Compound Formulas
  » Percent Composition to Formula
  » Empirical Formula Vs Molecular Formula
4.2 Balancing Chemical Equations

C60 and beyond.

Mg +CO2!

7.1 Introduction to Electromagnetic Radiation
OWL Ch 3-12b Tutor: Empirical Formula 06-12-06
Ch 3-12d Tutor: Molecular Formulas 06-12-06
Ch 3b End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-12-06
Ch 4-1b Tutor: Balancing Chemical Equations  06-12-06
Ch 4 End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-12-06
Jun 8
Lecture 4
Lecture Material:
3.5 Formulas, Compounds, and the Mole
  » Molar Mass (Molecular Weight)
3.6 Describing Compound Formulas
  » Formula to Percent Composition
  » Percent Composition to Formula
  » Empirical Formula Vs Molecular Formula
OWL Ch 3-5a Simulation: Ionic Compounds 06-09-06
Ch 3-6b Tutor: Naming Ionic Compound Formulas 06-09-06
Ch 3a End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-09-06
Ch 3-10b Tutor: Determining Molar Mass  06-09-06
Ch 3-11a Tutor: Using Molar Mass 1  06-09-06
Ch 3-11b Tutor: Using Molar Mass 2  06-09-06
Ch 3-12a Tutor: Percent Composition 06-09-06
Jun 7
Lecture 3
Lecture Material:
2.6 Introduction to the Periodic Table
» Divisions in the Periodic Table
3.3 Ionic Compounds ... Coulomb's Law
  » Coulomb's Law Data
  » Coulomb's Law and Solubility
Formula and Name ... Ionic Compounds
  » Metal + Non metal
  » Metal + Polyatomic anion
  » Transition Metals
OWL Ch 2-4a Exercise: Periodic Table Organization 06-08-06
Ch 2 End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-08-06
Ch 3-9a Simulation: Coulomb's Law 06-08-06
Jun 6
Lecture 2
Lecture Material:
3.3 Ionic Nomenclature ... The Basics  ... Some Memorization 
2.2 Composition of The Atom
2.3 Isotopes
» Determining the exact mass of an isotope
2.4 Atomic Weight ... What is it? 
OWL Ch 1-7b Tutor: Unit Conversion 06-07-06
Ch 1-5a Tutor: Scientific Notation 1 06-07-06
Ch 1-5b Tutor: Scientific Notation 2 06-07-06
Ch 1-5c Tutor: Scientific Notation 3 06-07-06
Ch 1 End of Chapter - Homework Tutors 06-07-06
Ch 3-3b Tutor: Ions, Predicting Charge 06-07-06
Ch 3-4c Tutor: Polyatomic Ions 06-07-06
Ch 2-1b Tutor: Atomic Composition 06-07-06
Ch 2-1c Tutor: Average Atomic Mass 06-07-06
Jun 5
Lecture 1
Lecture Material:
Course Policy and Expectations!
» Lab Announcements
The Chemistry Resource Center
» Introduction to Owl
A Small Tour of Gsmn
1.7 Mathematics of Chemistry: Dimensional Analysis
     How Important Are Units?
OWL Ch 0-1a Intro to OWL: Start Here 06-06-06
Ch 0-1b Intro to OWL: Question Types in OWL 06-06-06
Ch 0-1c Intro to OWL: Important things to learn 06-06-06
Ch 0-2 Math: Exponents 06-06-06
Ch 0-3 Math: Basic Algebra 06-06-06